General Meeting Minutes
November 20, 2021
via Zoom

Minutes Archive

Attendees: Sarah Durrance, Jennifer Johnson, Nancy Stueland-Adamski, Barb Schmidt, Cindy McGinnis, Kevin Smith, Katie Huffman, Amanda Giombi-Lorenz, Brittany Johnson; Terri & Hailey Besch, Sandy Quinn, Pam Lindmeier

1. President Sarah Durrance called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
2. Approval of minutes – Katie made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting; second by Cindy. Motion carried.
3. Treasurer’s Report – shared by Sarah in Julie’s absence. WPHC account balance: $24,658.23; Youth account balance: $7,37.41. Motion to approve the report by Barb; second by Jennifer. Motion carried.
4. Committee Reports
a. Youth – Katie: nothing to report
b. Year End Awards – everyone has turned in year-end award sheets except for one person (Julie has given that person until Sunday.) Everything went smoothly.
c. Banquet – Sandy: banquet will be held at Bowl-A-Vard lanes on January 29th. Board meeting at 2:00, general meeting at 3:00, cocktails at 4:30, dinner at 5:30, and awards at 6:30. Registration form will go out after the meeting. Will be looking for items for silent auction again.
d. Judges – Sarah/Julie: will start hiring judges next week. Sarah is working on getting high quality judges for 2022.
e. Show Managers – Sarah: We will need four managers for our shows this year; can be from general membership as well as board members. Shows can be split between multiple managers. Managers need to attend show. Some duties of show managers include opening indoor arena, making sure arenas get dragged, scheduling breaks, trail and western riding get set up, things get loaded at the end of the weekend, etc. Please volunteer if you can!
f. Fundraising – Sarah encouraged all members to reach out to their contacts (trainers, farriers, etc.) for sponsorships. Nancy shared that the club raised over $1,000 through its fundraising efforts in 2021.
g. Social Media – Katie will be continuing to manage social media.
h. Shows: Down payment made, and judge contacted for open show at Showtime Arena.
5. Survey results – Nancy: survey sent to club members as well as APHA members residing in Wisconsin. Had over 100 respondents.
Findings: respondents participate in a variety of activities with their paints; many indicated interest in APHA shows. Board has spent a considerable amount of time reviewing results and taking respondents’ desires into consideration. Sarah emphasized that the board is doing its best to try and offer quality show opportunities. Nancy recommended we continue to send these surveys (possibly bi-annually) to measure how the club is doing in meeting respondents’ needs.
6. 2022 Show Season
a. Joint show opportunity: club has been offered the opportunity to host a show jointly with Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri in Cedar Rapids, IA. This show would count toward year-end awards.
b. Show schedule for 2022:
• April 23-24: Zone show in Cedar Rapids, IA
• May 21-22: Jefferson, WI
• July 23-24: Winona, MN POR
• August 21-22: Jefferson, WI
• September 17-18: MN, IA, MO, WI POR in Cedar Rapids, IA
c. Adding NSBA Classes – Cindy: Club will be adding 24 NSBA classes to both 2021 Jefferson shows.
7. WPHC Show Fee Increases. Jefferson costs have increased significantly (37%) for 2022. As a result, we will be raising stall fees to $65 each ($20 increase), raising per class entry fees by $1 to $9/class/judge and raising the all-day fee by $5 to $45/judge. We will also be raising camping to $35/night if using electricity and $30/night if not.
8. Old Business. Sarah asked the membership to consider where they may be able to take some time to volunteer, as volunteers are hugely vital to the success of the club. There are a lot of opportunities for club members to contribute. She also thanked Sandy and Barb for the hours they volunteered in 2021.
9. New Business. Election of officers or board members. The following positions were uncontested: Sarah Durrance, President; Brittany Johnson, Vice President; Brooklyn Wendt, Secretary; Barb Schmidt and Amanda Giombi-Lawrenz; members. Motion to approve these positions by Cindy; second by Sandy. Motion carried.
10. Motion to adjourn by Jennifer; second by Nancy. Meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m.